Saturday, November 13, 2010

My lucky day

Eighteen years ago today on Friday Nov 13th
I met my husband to be at a singles dance.
Appropriately so as my parents and maternal
grandparents had also met while at a dance.

Few do that anymore. Dances have certainly
changed with loud music and individual dancing,
there's little opportunity to mingle or talk.
Funniest thing is my husband still can't dance.

What's your experience with social dancing?
I didn't know how in high school and didn't date.
No prom or Senior Hop for me until college days,
then I made up for lost time by dancing 24/7.

I performed on a ballroom dance team at BYU,
folk dance performance group, program bureau
tours, Orchesis (modern dance) company and
loved it. Even majored in dance (physical education).

Life sometimes takes us down different paths
that we start on or have in mind for ourselves,
but it's always interesting where it leads us. Enjoy
the journey, don't focus just on the destination.