Today's a unique holiday just for Utahans;
we celebrate July 24, 1847
Pioneer Day
when the first wagon train of Mormons persecuted,
driven from their Nauvoo, Illinois homes,
arrived in the barren Salt Lake Basin.
They were finally safe from their enemies
burned their homes and persecuted them
for their religious faith and unique beliefs.
Safety and distance now separated them.
Spread across the wide prairies, living
in makeshift homes, dugouts and wagons,
they were free from fear for awhile.
Here outside the United States territory,
they would make their homes, build temples.
The first wagon train was lead by the new
prophet Brigham Young who pronounced
This the right place, drive on, when seeing
the Salt Lake valley from his wagon.
Soon crops were planted for sustenance,
a fort built for protection from Indians.
Other Latter-day Saints in Nebraska,
Iowa and Illinois were requested to come
build Zion-a place of peace and rest
that would eventually become Utah state.
I am here because of those pioneers,
my pioneers on both sides of my family
who believed, sacrificed and made a home
here in the Rocky Mountains and sagebrushed
red rock hills of my beloved
homeland UTAH.