The New Year is a great time for making resolutions and creating change in your personal life, but it doesn’t take long before your goals become fodder for guilt feelings and even depression. More exercising, healthier diet, less stress are all worthy resolutions, but that old friend “procrastination” likes to make its appearance early.
Inner voices whisper: You know you won’t keep that resolution, why even try? I call these negative ideas that love to visit us whenever we are trying to make progress in our lives, “procrastination excuses.” Born of laziness perhaps, but also self doubt and lack of faith in our own ability to improve. Is there a way to overcome them?
For me writing about my feelings and inner voices helps me face reality. It’s true that I don’t always keep my resolutions. I’ve gained back 15 pounds that I lost several years ago, but that doesn’t predict my future. It just gives me good clues as what I could do to be successful. First of all, I need some kind of ACCOUNTABILITY tool. Some way to check my progress. Perhaps a chart or a journal can do that for you. Evaluate each day how you have done on whatever your goal is. Don’t let a day go by without being answerable to someone or to yourself via a journal or a checklist. A buddy who encourages you can also do wonders as you help each other.
So here’s the challenge pick some important goal-only one that you’ve struggled with for years. Write down specifically what and how you want to change this bad habit and reap the benefits of progress as an individual. I’ll show you how I plan to start this year. Since loosing weight is a # 1 priority for me for health reasons (diabetes and high blood pressure problems), I’m motivated. I will keep a food journal daily that includes an exercising checkup and make notes about my progress or lack of it. I’ll also enlist a friend who is working on the same goal, so we can encourage each other. Now it’s your turn.