Well, I got my THIRD rejection letter for my completed manuscript "Family Home Evenings for Empty Nesters and Singles." I wrote it last October and have been waiting around to see if any local LDS publishers would pick it up and they declined politely. So now I guess I'll self publish and try to MARKET it myself...not an easy task, but sometimes necessary. When you go to bookstores notice all the books that are for sale: both fiction and non-fiction. I have now tried to market THREE books: "Looking Back...At the Good Old Days"-a collection of my weekly columns, "Nature Notes for Kids"-a collection of original poetry and now this new book. I've learned a lot writing them but it would be nice to write something that was successful.
I have another idea rolling around in my mind for a new book about finding your voice through writing your life history or some title like that from my continuing columns. Seems I'm always writing something though lately it's been mostly poetry. There are always more books waiting to be written. The big push nowadays is e-books and trying to sell online which I've tried with little success. But I will try, try again...