Sunday, July 24, 2022

Pioneer Poem


WHO ME A PIONEER? by Lin Floyd

I don’t like to go on long hikes

on hot dusty roads or drink

warm water out of dirty creeks. 

I couldn’t have been a pioneer!

Day after day, dodging dangers

along the trail just wanting to stop

to rest for awhile or have a break

from nasty storms along the way.

Did their children really sing as they 

walked and walked and walked? Didn’t 

they ever complain or want to go home?

They’d left their homes to seek Zion.

Few had shoes so they walked barefoot.

That’s not fun with stickers and snakes. 

Can you imagine? Annoying mosquitos,

dust and disease were daily challenges.

No, I ‘d never survived as a pioneer.

Eating meager food brought along like 

cornmeal mush cooked over a primitive 

campfire or living on rationed supplies.

But onward they went mile after mile.

Almost 1000 miles through desert, hills,

mountains, crossing rivers, watching 

for hostile Indians or stampeding buffalos.

Arriving in the Great Salt Lake valley,

before them a vast desert filled with nothing, 

no homes, gardens yet to be planted, 

crickets waiting to devour crops.

It wasn’t easy, but with great faith 

they followed their leader Brigham Young 

to escape angry mobs’ persecutions.

Oh I’m thankful for my blessed pioneers.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Fun RELIEF SOCIETY Patriotic Activity

Our RS Activity Leaders-l-r Renee, Cathy, Cheryl and Carol

Judy enjoys some of the fun patriotic decorations everywhere

Fun clever table decor/refreshments were hotdogs with
all the trimmings & watermelon plus USA bingo.

A special presentation was made to Jan retired from US army
A fun patriotic quilt made by Vida.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Goals for SUMMER

l-r Lin as single parent with three sons and
aunt Esther on left, aunt Gladys on right
I've decided it's time to LOOK BACK through my old journals and photos to see what LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME. As we interact with extended family members, they have lessons to teach us. 

In this first photo, I'm with two aunts Esther who struggled with bone cancer valiantly until her death-always positive and welcoming others into her home-she was a second mother to me. The other aunt Gladys married Esther's brother Norman who suddenly passed away in his sleep after he retired leaving Gladys to live alone well into her 90s. What examples both of them were/are to me. 
l-r Uncle DuWayne, Gpa Vernon,  
aunt Bonnie, Gma V, my mom

Other aunts Ethel and Bonnie also influenced me in many ways as I struggled to find my way. We have many who help us in navigating our lives. Our families filled with parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles not to mention friends and neighbors. We all need each other to help us. find our way.