1st row: 1-4: Dad Stanley V., 5-6: GP JH V., 7: 2ggp-Francis Vernon, 8: Uncle Clarence 2nd row: 1-2: Stanley V & 4 gen., 2-3: gp JH, 4: ggp-George Stevens, 5: JH+ ggp-Joseph V. 3rd row: 1-2ggpa: Richard Lowe & grandchildren, 3-: on right gpa-Wm Johnson+ his bros 4th row: 1: 2nd ggpa Wm. Stevens family, 2: 2ggpa Oscar Wilkins, 3: gpa-Joseph Vernon, 4: my dad Stanley, 5: 2nd ggpa-Edmund Hortin
2. My Vernon grandfather JH-Joseph Harold (Harry) who tried to fill in for my own father after his death.
3. Also want to mention my three sons who became fathers also-Frank V, Daniel and Jeffrey. Family is what it's all about-going both directions-ROOTS and BRANCHES. I'm now a great grandma...and all the boys except Eddie are taller than me! On to the future....
Grandkids a few years back, now Emilee on front left is a mommy |