Photo Collage of my mom Evelyn Johnson Vernon Blomberg |
Photos Upper ROW-left to right 1-Mom as young child, 2-Mom even younger, 3. Mom in middle with brothers Norman, Clarence & sister Esther, 4- upper photo-elem. school house in Silver City Utah, 5-lower photo-Eureka high School in Eureka, 6-Silver City a mining town now a ghost town near Eureka, Utah.
Middle ROW-1 & 2 My Mom & Dad Stanley Vernon, 3-4 Mom as a teenager, 5-Mom front row center in elementary school.
Bottom ROW-1-my Dad, me & my Mom, 2-Mom & Dad, 3-Mom in Salt Lake City, 4-Mom in front of their family home in Silver City.
As I'm aging I'm appreciating my mom's life more and the many sacrifices she made as a young widow only 28 years old when my dad was killed in an airplane accident. She got a job, moved us to California and supported me through my school years, college, and as a young mother, then a divorced person. Will be good to see her again...