Needing to update my old mac mini 2007 (in computer language that's almost obsolete). Though it does work for some programs, it got to the point where it wouldn't run my new QUICKEN program and download my financial bank info.
So I took the plunge, since I escaped buying a new iPhone to buy a new Mac mini 2015. Then came the challenge of transferring all my programs without glasses but new lenses in my eyes and store bought reading glasses now needed to see the computer. Can we say BIG LAUGH OUT LOUD?
Almost calls for another poem that that might put me in TEARS..oh no! My eyes are healing nicely but I won't know till a week from now if I'll need to wear NEW glasses to correct both my near and far sight. Things far away are almost 20/20 but to see my face or read or book is impossible I heard that you can fixed one eye for near vision and the other eye for far vision. BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW!

On to new and bigger CHALLENGES. I bought a tail-less/wireless MOUSE and its so easy to use I can't believe it. Then I cleaned off and organized my physical desk and am still attempting to organize my computer desktops now linked together through i-cloud: my new mac mini, my air laptop, my i-pad and my external hard drive.
Time for another BIG LAUGH-trying not to call my guru computer son who is boating this weekend with family. I found a local retired professor of computers who is helping me get my mail working again which is very necessary as tonight is the DEADLINE for entries to the YOUTH POETRY CONTEST that I started 6 years ago to encourage school children in 1st to 12th grades to become creative. Stay tuned for more developments...
Getting a new computer cpu means cleaning and organizing your desk! |
That's my little cpu with an external dvd drive, I'm learning lots trying to
make it all work together. These photos taken with my i-pad then uploaded
to i-Cloud then downloaded to my I need to get an I-life!!! |