Had a great time teaching in my POETRY WORDSHOP class last Saturday about listening to NEGATIVE inner voices and overcoming them with two POSITIVES for each negative as we doubt our own abilities to do whatever. The YING-YANG principle. So guess it's time for me to do that in my life too. I have done so much in the past three weeks...major accomplishments like:
POETRY IN THE PARK-after a year's planning I successfully organized publicity, applied for and received grants, designed a website and flyers, etc. etc. We had 34 people come. Now I get to start all over by writing up program evaluations and begin planning next year's PIP in March 2014 making some suggested improvements. Trying to figure out how to delegate better and get others involved in helping me. A weakness I have!
2. Attended a seminar put on by REDROCK WRITERS GUILD the same weekend as PIP. Had a great experience learning from others and made some great contacts networking.
2. Enjoyed
A FAMILY VISIT with my son and his wife and two little ones for Easter: colored eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, went to the park, planned several meals and played with the little ones. Even blogged about it and wrote a new
poem about their visit. Managed to do a thorough
SPRING HOUSE cleanup before their visit including washing windows. HURRAH!
3. Taught a creative productive and healing POETRY WORDSHOP last Saturday with 4 new students at AHA-Artful Healing Academy. Also wrote some articles for my SENIOR SAMPLER column and a few new POEMS.
4. Collected PRIZES from community merchants for the YOUTH POETRY CONTEST that I organized 3 years ago and got publicity out to the paper and the school district. Now it's time to organize the entries, judge all the poems, and award prizes on Sat, April 27. Working on getting help with this
5. Started attending a
SEATED EXERCISE class regularly and trying to walk a little with my bum knee. It feels good and is a priority in my life as is encouraging and supporting my hubby. We are learning how to communicate better about feelings and goals in life. Most men are not talkers!
6. Attended another
SOUL COLLAGE class and organized all my collages into a notebook, made a bulletin board with them at AHA. Showed them to my friend CARYN and we had a fun day shopping and lunching!
7. Continued working on my book
DISCOVER YOUR VOICE AFTER DIVORCE or LOSS and organized a workshop to teach at church for singles-divorces, widowed or alone with my friend Carolyn.

8. Doing publicity for photo club IMAGE CATCHERS. I'm vice-president in charge of publicity. I know I volunteered but it's an interesting activity and I'm taking photos for the annual SCAVENGER HUNT and WILDFLOWER FIELD TRIP.
So, I attended CHURCH today and realized that I forgotten a friend that I said I'd HELP with her GENEALOGY. She completely FLEW off my computer screen. I started to feel bad and INNER VOICES had a try at me with "Some kind of friend you are, etc."
TIME for the positive inner voices to tackle that kind of
self put down with two positives:
I told my friend I had been too busy but would help her soon. I asked her to call me and I'll come over.
I've decided you can try to be PERFECT but it's not POSSIBLE. On to new activities this week as I tackle teaching CREATIVE BLOGGING for our COMPUTER CLUB this Friday and judge the YOUTH POETRY CONTEST! May not blog for a few days...