Could this quote explain the reasons that many
individuals seem lost in today’s world, wandering through life without purpose or roots, not knowing
who they are or where they came from? Find out more about your ancestry than
just facts: what they did for a living, what was important to them, what trials
and struggles they overcame, what they were like as individuals, how you are
different or similar to them, what skills, attitudes and values they have
passed on perhaps unknowingly to you. Share what you learn about your ancestors
with your descendants.

You could meet some new extended family cousins out
there with information to share on a common ancestor. Try doing a google search for your ancestor
you want to know more about by typing in their name, birthplace and date: “John
Lemmon” North Carolina 1780. Click on any
links that look promising after your search. You’ll be amazed at what you will
find from Internet cousins who are sharing photos and histories of an ancestor
they have in common with you. Look at my webpage www.famhistory1867.com/ with my family
histories and photos of my ancestors that I have collected for over 50 years.
Others are doing the same perhaps for your very ancestors.
NEXT TIME: Discover
Your Past. Send me stories about your parents. How did they
contribute to your life? What qualities of theirs do you admire?