Tuesday, June 10, 2014


The Hatch family: Tina, Daniel and James
In our Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) when children are 8 years old they are considered accountable and old enough to understand the consequences of their behavior, so they are baptized. It's a fun time for family and friends to join together for this special occasion. James wrote the following talk with help from Grandma Lin, he gave it in Primary.

Priesthood Ordinances and Temples TALK by James Hatch

Yesterday I was baptized by my dad. First we went into the primary room, then my uncle Jeff gave a talk on baptism. After my mom gave a talk about the Holy Ghost and how you know when you feel the Holy Ghost helping you. He’s your special friend, he comforts you and helps you to repent of sins you do.

Next we went to the baptismal font, we wore white clothes and no shoes. My Dad baptized me and said “James Samuel Hatch, having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.” Then he put me under the water and brought me back up. My sins were all washed away.

After we changed our wet clothes, we came back to the meeting room and I sat in a seat in front of all the people. My uncles and cousins who held the Melchizedek priesthood laid their hands upon my head, and my dad confirmed me a member of the Church gave me the gift of the Holy Ghost and a blessing.

Temple work has blest my family because all four of us are adopted and were sealed to our parents in the temple becoming an eternal family.

James and his older brother Nathan-age 11 on Sunday morning