Saturday, September 28, 2019


This week the weather has cooled with a promise of rain. Today we drove nearby to our favorite fruit stand in Santa Clara but it was not available as they were having their annual SWISS DAYS! Lots of traffic, so instead we went to the SATURDAY MARKET at TUCHANAN which is in a beautiful REDROCK CANYON near Ivins. We didn't find any fruit to buy but lots of homemade arts and crafts. Then we headed to the MAIN STREET FARMERS MARKET in St. George. BINGO we found lovely fresh picked local peaches, plums and more. Plus had a lovely lunch in the square at Benja Thai restaurant. LOVELY DAY with hubby in lovely cool weather-never did rain but clouds and windy.

Driving up to Tuachan High School in Ivins
Gorgeous place for a Saturday market-mostly cloudy but some sun

Lots of booths to check out 
Wonderful Native American artwork symbols
Fun leather sandals
Fun clouds with red rocks in our desert wonderland
View of St. George from Red Cliffs Parkway
View of the St. George temple as we descend into St. George
Here we are at the outdoor booths
Found the farmers market with wonderful peaches and plums
Food, produce and crafts to buy
Outdoor music was enjoyable 
Interesting artwork
Fun wind chimes
Outdoor coffee shop going up 
Time for Thai lunch

Saturday, September 21, 2019


We wanted to take a short day trip so headed to Kolob Canyons-part of Zion National Park just 40 miles north of us on the freeway. What a beautiful area. We used to live nearby in New Harmony for 5 years until we moved to St. George.
Just a short drive 5 miles in and back to see these hidden cliffs
Love the red rocks and green trees contrast
There are four fingers that extend up but can only been seen from a distance
Love the different shades of pink, coral and red strata
There are many hikes you can take up these canyons
The view from Kolob Canyons of the New Harmony valley
The home where we used to live before moving to St George 12 years ago
The view from New Harmony of the hidden Kolob Canyons

Friday, September 13, 2019


On Sept 11, we had our monthly enrichment activity for our church group of women. It was fun and full of many learning experiences. We decorated brown paper lunch bags for our table centerpieces and brought our favorite school lunch for food. Prizes were given for the winners of each table's best decorated sack as determined by each table. 

Fun posters and displays by Pam Biggers-thanks!
Our Expo leaders Pam and Elaine plus their committee
Wall of Wisdom to share our ideas for better living
Different classes to choose from: Technology with Pres. Young
Using Healthy Sprouts was a popular class
Crocheting Humanitarian projects was fun

Fear versus Faith lecture with a gospel discussion afterwards
Lots of creative decors on the lunch bags!

Lunch was our favorite part and visiting of course
Prizes for winners of best decorated school lunch bags

Monday, September 9, 2019

In a RUT...

What is a RUT? A deep groove or track in the road. So how does this relate to me? Well, it's easy to fall into ruts and follow the same pattern or get stuck and not go anywhere.

Summer has a way of doing that to me. Maybe it's because I spend so much time indoors trying to escape the heat with our wonderful AC. BUT all the big plans I had to accomplish some weeding of my vast family history research notes didn't take place.

I have so much paper stuff in my file cabinet collected from over 60+ years of collecting and need to go through and sort out what to keep and what to toss. Although I know I can't take any of it with me, I know there's probably some important stuff to reread especially in my journals. See if I've made some personal growth and am not just stuck in a RUT!

How about you? Seems like life is a pattern that we keep repeating. Although I'm sure one or two principles/lessons are learned along the way. A big one for me is PATIENCE!