Sunset in Santa Fe, New Mexico
A place to share my writings, poems, photos, family history, express opinions, and connect with others
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
To submit or not to submit...
IMPROVEMENT is the NAME of the GAME in this life! I have so many areas I want to do and be better at. Just to name three: 1-talent in writing, 2-relationships and communication, 3-physical health and fitness. Wow-those goals are more intimidating than just submitting to a little poetry contest.
How about you? WHAT are some CHALLENGES you are working on? Leave a comment and tell me...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Article #202 Good Old Fashioned Fun
When was the last time, you had
some good old fashioned fun? Or maybe
that is something that doesn’t exist any more? Does life always seem difficult,
full of challenges, trials, and lots of stress? Exactly why we need to make
room for and create some old fashioned fun. Looking back on my childhood days, some of the best times I remember
were really quite simple: talking to a grandparent, going fishing or on a
picnic, playing a game or putting together a puzzle. No electronic gadgets were
required, just time dedicated to simple family fun. It’s also called recreation
because it helps us re-create ourselves by
engaging in enjoyable activities.
any free time stolen from our busy lives is spent tied to the boob tube-television, videos or computer games where interaction is
limited and conversations non-existent. Try going without electricity for at
least one hour a week and get reacquainted with one another, no matter your
age. Instead of texting, look others in the eye and become aware of their body
language as you try to connect one on one. It might come in handy in case of an
unexpected disaster that could happen if our electrical grid goes down or a
hurricane or earthquake occurs.
families have 72-hour disaster kits which should include games or equipment as
simple as a ball to keep the family amused while they try to cope with a stressful
situation. Maybe you are already in the midst of a personal disaster and need
some family recreation and fun. Not on Facebook or in a text or tweet, but one
on one interaction and activities. Are we
too busy to talk to one another?

Sunday, June 24, 2012
Johnson Family Reunion 2012
Our annual extended Johnson family reunion is over for another year. We gathered cousins, spouses, grandparents and all the kiddies at the Icelandic Reunion in Spanish Fork city park for a fun afternoon of hot dogs, KFC, and authentic lamb cuisine. There were games and activities for the kids, visiting and reminiscing for the older ones and cousins Doug and Mimi Johnson visiting us from Northern California. Quite a posterity for Vilborg Thordardottir, a widow who brought her four children to Utah from Iceland in 1874-see chart in the middle. And we are only one small part of her numerous posterity. Click on photo to see more details. Thanks to everyone who joined us!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Icelandic Reunion starts
I gave my film presentation on Iceland at their meeting last night
Remembering full blooded Icelanders who died in Spanish Fork
My ancestor's headstone, remembering her...
Colorful cemetery flags
Friday, June 22, 2012
Skywatch Friday
Westman Islands, Iceland
by Lin Floyd
Clouds move quickly as moods change,
this sea can be treacherous for fisherman
with no choice but to load their boats and leave.
It's their livelihood, their support,
all that they know and have done for centuries.
It's their livelihood, their support,
all that they know and have done for centuries.
Prayers of their loved ones go with them.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Doors open and some close
CHANGE is inevitable whether we want it or not.
Each new day brings different CHALLENGES to us.
If we try to stay STUCK in one position, it won't work.
Flexibility and openness, creativity help us THRIVE.
I decided against NEVER entering a poetry contest
since last time when my 26 entries won NOTHING.
This time I SUBMITTED 4 poems for publishing
that won awards in 2011 and also 3 cover PHOTOS.
Always FUN to try something different, develop new
interests to give VARIETY. Now I've made an i-movie
I think I'll take a webpage making class at DXATC.
I LOVE to learn and study new topics-it's a challenge!
You haven't FAILED, if you keep TRYING!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Article #201 Finding Your Path
Families can be the key to self-fulfillment when parents
provide a home for young ones to be nurtured, protected and guided. Even if a
family is dysfunctional because of divorce, death or other reasons, a home is a
necessary starting place in finding your own path. Siblings will offer
opportunities to learn cooperation and sharing, while extended family members
including grandparents can be positive examples. Examples abound in families,
functional or not, of how children have their free will to follow a parent or
sibling’s example or take a new different path. Tremendous disadvantages
(handicaps, abuse, poverty, etc.) can be overcome and provide opportunity for
individual growth.
heard that we as an adult learn more from raising our children than we did
from our own parents. Having a family is
part of the process of finding self and our path, both as a parent and a child.
As I look back on my life, I’ve come to realize the growth that I made as a
person struggling after a divorce as a single parent with a family of sons to
raise alone. Happy ever after was
my original goal, but surviving, growing and persisting in raising responsible
healthy young men who would start their own families was my new goal. I now
have grandchildren who are helping my sons and daughter-in-laws to continue their
growth as adults. Everyone is part of a family whether they claim them or not.
tried to capture this cycle of learning in a poem called Labyrinth: Ahead lies the path
not straight and narrow / curving and turning back on itself. / I begin my
journey slowly wondering where it leads. / Not knowing but trusting, I
continue. / Setbacks and obstacles come, / yet always a direction opens. / At
last I find the center, but it continues. / As I return the cycle repeats, others follow
along. / Birth, a beginning / carefree childhood, adolescent questioning,
/ playful courtship, marriage then commitment, / soon children come to a new
family. / Parenting challenges end with an empty nest / as young ones begin the
cycle anew. / Their children will follow / the worn footsteps of the same path.
/ Soon I am bent and gray, my walk slows, / I know the way, where it leads. / Back
to where I began. / I watch my children follow the same path / and long to
guide them. NEXT TIME: Old Fashion
Monday, June 18, 2012
Good's done!
Photo of my graduation from Snorri Plus program in Iceland
I had to shorten it a bit to fit YOUTUBE's requirements under 16'30" but here it is. Note the icy island at the first is Greenland not Iceland and later I talk about tectonic planes=that should be plates. Oh well, I'm just a novice.It was suppose to have Icelandic music background from CDs I bought over there, but that didn't happen. Freedom to start a new project now or maybe just bask in overcoming my fears and doubts-my persistent efforts paid off. Now to RELAX! Come visit me or go to the Icelandic reunion in Spanish Fork this coming Friday night and you'll see my movie!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day
To all those men who have chosen to bring children into this world: supporting their family, being an example of honesty, and hard work. We need to show our appreciation to them this day...whether they are fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers or husbands. Without them we wouldn't be here. Be sure and tell the fathers in your family that you love and appreciate them. I sent cards to my sons who are fathers on this day. Below is my husband with his four daughters...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The heat is on...

I must admit it's fun and creative but also nerve
racking as fear tries to play its part-what if
it doesn't work, your computer won't work or
the sound isn't loud enough. It's all I can do to
shut off those voices so I can work on this
project. Then there are other projects waiting
in line...teaching a write your story!

on inside-I feel the pressure mounting. Interesting
how deadlines motivate us to do our work more
effectively or at least spend more time on it. Today
I got a rude phone call from a reader of my column.
I had written about single parenting from my point
of view and he criticized me for implying that men
couldn't be a good single parent. I didn't say that...
Talk about taking things personally. We all can

by others words, when we misinterpret them.
I became defensive by his comments that most
women single parents are dirt balls living off
government welfare. I realize that this person
has a personal agenda he was putting forth by
phoning me to argue, just glad I'm married.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Skywatch Friday
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Happy Flag Day...
land of the free with liberty for all
who honor its laws and uphold our constitution,
I love my homeland and all it stands for
and appreciate those in my family who
have defended and fought for preserving it
through their upright lives and military service.
and appreciate those in my family who
have defended and fought for preserving it
through their upright lives and military service.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Making an I-Movie
What an experience, like learning to walk
never done it before, unsure and unsteady
but it has to be done and soon as it shows
Friday June 22nd at the Utah Icelandic
Association annual reunion. I am featured
with a report of my Snorri Plus journey to
Iceland last August. With only 2000 photos
to choose from, it's not easy but interesting
to relive that experiences and put together
a 15-20 minute film of the highlights with
my own recorded narration. It will be
premiere here when it's done...coming. It's
called "ICELAND BECKONS" by Lin Floyd.
I've had two tutoring lessons at Simply Mac
and hours of experimentation at my computer.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Article #200 Purpose of Life

believe life revolves around the opportunity for each of us to become more
perfect during this time we live together as a family here on earth. You are
born to a mother and hopefully a father that teach you values and traditions to
guide your life. Most parents welcome, nurture and teach their little ones to find
their way in life, develop a unique personality and individual talents.
As a young child, you are excited about the possibilities for your future. The world is a fascinating creative place to explore. Gradually as you grow and start attending school you’ll experience difficulties, meet up with your first failures and bullies. You will start to doubt your self worth, although your family is still there backing you and hopefully giving you unconditional love.
the struggles as a teenager to find yourself, comes the time of becoming an
adult. You feel stirrings within to find a mate and create a family. Thus the
age old cycle continues as you begin again to nurture your own little ones. Hoping
their lives will be better than yours, you teach and prepare them to be happy
and find fulfillment as an adult. There is a divine or instinctual sense that you
are born with that continues this cycle of individual birth and families.
our society is able to destroy the inherent differences between male and female roles, then who knows what the future will look like or what purpose other than
self-gratification will motivate us.
Freedom to choose is an important responsibility to teach your little
ones, but it isn’t license to do whatever you want to do at someone else’s
expense. NEXT TIME: Finding Your Path
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Fictionalizing Worries

Finally the day for the exam with a locally noted eye doctor occurred. The NEW specialist told me I DIDN'T need immediate surgery-it was my decision when I was bothered by my eyes ENOUGH. Somehow I expected this new doctor to make that decision for me, but NO he didn't.

I can almost think up a catchy title for this fictional story BUT it didn't happen-only in my MIND which was very creatively going BESERK! I went to the drivers license office, passed the exam with flying colors, got my renewal and still am in limbo about my EYE PROBLEMS???Worry is such a constant in all of our lives-it should be given a better name.
Friday, June 8, 2012
TO DO lists vs. TO BE lists
My husband asked a very interesting question today at breakfast
Do you ever have a day without a TO DO list where you can just BE?
I don't think I do, but when I sunbathe after my water aerobics class
I just veg. out and relax, also in the afternoons I sometimes nap.
I'm loosing track of real priorities as I rush about putting out fires.
I've been volunteering with a new church calling in family history
to help others with their genealogy. Trying to build their confidence
in using their computer and the Internet to discover their ancestors.
I'm finding that using the time to help others helps me to be more
charitable, focused less on self-my TO DO lists while serving others.
Trying to turn their hearts to their fathers as they search for them.
It's a good feeling and more valuable than checking off: vacuuming.
What are some TO BE things you'd like to accomplish with your time?
I'd want to be a better LISTENER-validating other's self esteem, to
reach out and connect, build friendships and enjoy my life now today.
Not worrying about future challenges, because that is in God's hands.
How about you?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Happy Birthday to Katherine
Special wishes to a lovely loving mother of three and wife
to Arnold on her birthday. Even though she has to work today,
I hope her family and friends will let her know of their love
and appreciation for all she does for others. Happy b-day!
and appreciation for all she does for others. Happy b-day!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Happy Birthday to my dg-in-law Rachel
A past collage of Rachel shows Lorien their first child.
A second time mom recently, see their newest addition
Edmund born recently almost on Rachel's father's birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL-wife of my son Jeff!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL-wife of my son Jeff!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Article #199 Male-Female Differences
like the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by author John Gray. It’s a guide to understanding
the differences between the sexes. Being raised by a widowed mom, I never
realized that men look at the world differently than women. Getting married
certainly opened my eyes. I love to talk intimately with girl friends about my
feelings, but most husbands have difficulty talking about emotions. My spouse
is an engineer who loves to fix things and read instructional manuals.
Unfortunately women don’t come with a manual, and neither do children.
you always want to change your spouse to think like you do, but hey that’s why you
married him or her because of the differences. My hubby is the one I ask to fix
the thermostat or remote or take the lid off a bottle. He doesn’t have to be my
therapist too. I have a close friend whose husband is a professional counselor.
I’ve always thought that would be ideal, but I’ve learned that it doesn’t
necessarily work that way. After solving the world’s emotional problems at his
job, this hard working man wants to come home to his cave and hide out––not solve
all the family problems his wife has saved until his return.
how does one resolve these differences? Try lowering your expectations and become
more realistic. Your spouse has personality traits that you admired or else you
wouldn’t have married. Will you ever find the perfect partner––no! Just find
someone you can respect and love enough to make the commitment of marriage.
Loyalty and trust are more important traits than having a therapeutic partner
on call 24/7.

for your partner’s positive traits can make for a healthier longer lasting
relationship that will grow and change over the years vs. searching for the perfect
soul mate that completes you. It won’t happen for most people in this life because
no one is perfect. So, two imperfect people fall in love, marry and create a
family. Learn to overlook one another’s faults, communicate and live reasonably
happily ever after while solving the problems
that will come. Then one day with graying and thinning hair, they can look back
and be thankful for the bonding journey with a loving companion. We all need interactions
with others of the opposite sex to enrich our life, whether we have never
married or are widowed or divorced. NEXT TIME: Purpose of Life
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Partial Move
Getting a room re-carpeted is like moving to somewhere else.
Everything on the floor of that room must go to another place;
that is except photos hanging on the wall and the blinds.
When it's your office with multiple computers, that's a lot!
So our house has been a mess for quite a while as we had to empty
and move one desk for the new Internet access that got upgraded.
While in this mess, I suggested we bite the bullet and move the rest.
to the dining room with boxes and boxes of book, papers, misc.
It's amazing how much STUFF you gather just over a week or more.
We've lived here for five years, so there is lots to organize again
Maybe we need to do this same process to our lives and our minds.
Slow down, clean out-reorganize. I'm trying to do that this summer
but haven't had time contemplate more about priorities
Friday, June 1, 2012
Visiting Caryn again...
I love her remodeled kitchen
It is so carefully decorated everywhere...
Notice the colors of the dishes and their placement.
A new creation in her hallway.
A mirror and harp table with half books and half vase-very clever.
That's me taking a photo of us in the mirror!
Caryn lives in the country-what a fun shed!
These sheep are really lawn mowers!
More barn art by Caryn.
She has quite a green thumb and flowers are everywhere.
Her front door clementis.
Real flowers in her window box
Hubby Wayne made a horse swing for the grandkids.
Real nests and fake birds decorate her house inside.
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