Thursday, June 28, 2012

To submit or not to submit...

Some deadlines are approaching for a statewide poetry contest that I won a $750 prize two years ago. Still I find myself doubting my abilities and wondering IF I should submit. Then I remember all my encouragement for others in our poetry group to submit for the first time, and I think I CAN do this! So I did. It's only a contest and the process can be growth producing as you consider improving your entries to make them better.

IMPROVEMENT is the NAME of the GAME in this life! I have so many areas I want to do and be better at. Just to name three: 1-talent in writing, 2-relationships and communication, 3-physical health and fitness. Wow-those goals are more intimidating than just submitting to a little poetry contest.

How about you? WHAT are some CHALLENGES you are working on? Leave a comment and tell me...