Sunday, June 3, 2012

Partial Move

Getting a room re-carpeted is like moving to somewhere else.
Everything on the floor of that room must go to another place;
that is except photos hanging on the wall and the blinds. 
When it's your office with multiple computers, that's a lot!

So our house has been a mess for quite a while as we had to empty 
and move one desk for the new Internet access that got upgraded.
While in this mess, I suggested we bite the bullet and move the rest.
So magically (lol) three desks, one bookcase and a long table went

to the dining room with boxes and boxes of book, papers, misc.
It's amazing how much STUFF you gather just over a week or more.
We've lived here for five years, so there is lots to organize again
as it is now returned to empty desks and shelves with new carpeting!

Maybe we need to do this same process to our lives and our minds.
Slow down, clean out-reorganize. I'm trying to do that this summer
but haven't had time contemplate more about priorities
and what I want to leave as a legacy, when that time comes.