Friday, September 13, 2019


On Sept 11, we had our monthly enrichment activity for our church group of women. It was fun and full of many learning experiences. We decorated brown paper lunch bags for our table centerpieces and brought our favorite school lunch for food. Prizes were given for the winners of each table's best decorated sack as determined by each table. 

Fun posters and displays by Pam Biggers-thanks!
Our Expo leaders Pam and Elaine plus their committee
Wall of Wisdom to share our ideas for better living
Different classes to choose from: Technology with Pres. Young
Using Healthy Sprouts was a popular class
Crocheting Humanitarian projects was fun

Fear versus Faith lecture with a gospel discussion afterwards
Lots of creative decors on the lunch bags!

Lunch was our favorite part and visiting of course
Prizes for winners of best decorated school lunch bags