Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Somethings are more
Important than other
Matters: developing
Patience in all things,
Loving unconditionally.
Integrity always with
Charity and serving
Intelligently equals
Time to become all
You can be.

How can you simplify your life? I went through my closets yesterday and select clothing, coats and shoes to recycle and give to our church's thrift store Deseret Industries to be used for those less blessed. It felt good to give and also clear out my clutter. I need to do the same with my life. SIMPLIFY!


  1. I simplified my life by retiring. Now I like it just as it is.

  2. Simplicity has been one of my by-words for years. I enjoyed your version of what it means!

  3. I have had a couple of very busy weeks. With Robert working afternoon shifts, if I have things to do in the morning, I never see him. So today, I cancelled a class I was to attend (1 of 5 classes) so I can be home with him.To me that's simplifying.

    There was this 'cartoon' yesterday that I really enjoyed:

    But the gist of it is: Things are rarely sacred. Actions and Rituals are not get them confused.

  4. OK... I'll go check my closet, but I don't have a whole lot of clutter right now because we got rid of so much when we moved to Hawaii two years ago.

  5. Cute post...we also declutter and donate.....
