Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Writer WORDshop again

Having fun meeting with my local writing friends to study and share poetry. We are gathering every other week for a short lesson, and today we wrote some Minute Poems. The structure is thus: first line has 8 syllables and rhymes with line #2 which has 4 syllables then comes line #3 and #4 both with 4 syllables and they rhyme. Etc. A challenge but fun-first we clustered or brainstormed a topic SUMMER HEAT. It's only 108 degrees right now. Then we proceeded to write a poem to share with each other. Here's mine:


Hot desert heat, never ending.
We are dripping
sweat like water,
drying faster.

Will relief ever come to us?
Monsoon-like gusts
promise showers
for dry flowers.

But no delivery's in sight
even at night.
Day follows day,
then RAIN. Oh yah!