Saturday, July 3, 2010

I hate cooking

but I love eating...In talking to many of my retired friends, I've discovered that many are also tired of cooking and planning meals, etc. I remember feeling that way back in 1971 when I was living with my husband and young family of three sons ages 1, 2 and 5 in Bahia, Brazil. It was a real challenge to cook there as the ingredients weren't the same and supermarkets only a dream. We did have lots of yummy fruit and a bakery nearby but trying to fix meals was a challenge. I can remember counting up the days until we returned to the states and could actually go get a hamburger or even buy meat in a refrigerated case.

So what's my problem now? There's just hubby and I to cook for, and he's easily pleased as long as it's protein and not a lot of carbs. But we are both home all day so that's 3 meals every day. I guess it just takes up time that I don't want to spare from my other projects-genealogy, writing, etc. I do go to the market once a week or more and buy stuff, but gone are the days of yore when I sat down and planned my menu for the week: M-spaghetti, T-tacos, W-stirfry, Th-chicken something, etc. I tend to walk through the store now with an open mind and pick up the essentials: milk, eggs, bread, fruit, yogurt and whatever calls out to me. NOT GOOD!

But after 50+ years of fixing meals, you get worn out. Now I understand my grandmother Vernon who when we visited her in her later years would take us out to the local Chinese cafe. Gone were her wonderful melt in your mouth made from scratch rolls and roast beef dinners. In our day and age of frozen this and that plus microwaves there are many alternatives, but many of them just don't taste good. Here's what I managed to cook for lunch today-not too bad: brats-a little salty, brown rice with zucchini, onions and tomatoes, and a red cabbage salad. Even had a sugar free peach pie from the bakery for dessert. But now what do I fix for dinner? Hubby doesn't like sandwiches. Any suggestions? I opted for Wendy's hamburgers-oh no! and gained back .5 pounds!