Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun Similes

You're as cool as a cucumber.
She's some tomato.
Cute as a button.
Ugly as a mud fence.
Fresh as a daisy.
Sweeter than honey.
Skinny as a rail.

Fat as a pig.
Wise as an owl.
Crazy like a fox.
As strong as an ox.
Regular as a clock.
Quiet as a mouse.

Drunk as a skunk.
Proud as a peacock.
As cuddly as a cactus.
Smooth as sandpaper.
Busy as a beaver.
Dead as a doornail.
As happy as a lark.

Mad as a hornet.
Nutty as fruitcake.
Old as the hills.
Quick as a wink.
Pure as snow.
As scarce as hen's teeth.
Slippery as an eel.

Slow as a turtle.
Solid as a rock.
Straight as an arrow.
Stubborn as a mule.
Tough as nails.
Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...