Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Burdens vs. baggage

Sherri Dew (LDS author-photo on left) reminds us in her book Saying It Like It Is: Burdens have the potential to exalt us, but baggage just weighs us down and wears us out. When we don't repent, sin becomes baggage. Worry, jealousy and guilt are baggage. An unforgiving heart, anger, regret, and pride are baggage. We choose whether or not to pick up baggage, and Satan loves nothing more than loading us down like pack mules.

Let's look closer at some of the baggage she suggests we might be carrying around:
1. SIN-the easiest way to get rid of this is to STOP, repent and pray for strength to live our lives differently.
2. WORRY-what a useless piece of baggage, it does us no good whatsoever. Reminds me of my motto ACT don't REACT. Worry is all about reacting rather than doing what you can about a situation and making a conscious decision to shelf what you can't change.
3. JEALOUSY-this happens when we are looking at others and judging ourselves against our perception of them. It does neither of us any good.
4. GUILT-this is a reaction for wrongs done, see #1 for the solution.
5. UNFORGIVING HEART-it never hurts the other person as much as it hurts ourself.
6. ANGER-drains you, another reaction. Although in certain instances it can be a self protection.
7. REGRET-self talk that goes no where...tell yourself I'm here to learn. Try not to make the SAME MISTAKE twice.
8. PRIDE-putting ourselves before others although there is a place for approriate self valuing.