Saturday, October 25, 2008

Time Together

Had a leisurely lunch with my friend Caryn-
talking, laughing, enjoying the time,
building and exploring our deep friendship.
She says I build her up-help her self esteem
but I know that is her talent-natural skill.
So we explore our thoughts, analyze life,
time well spend, discussing the universe.
She doesn't order chocolate cake dessert 
to enjoy in front of her diabetic friend-me!

Now I'm with family, looking for time to
read books, interact, listen to grand kids;
but there is too much electronics going on,
videos, tv shows to watch. Time slips by that
could have been spent communicating...
Patience, take what time that can be found,
try to make time and opportunities to just be
and unplug from the constant entertaining.
We will go to a birthday breakfast at IHOP
this morning, time to be with and celebrate family!

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...