Sunday, October 5, 2008

Listening to Conference

Every six months our church has a conference held in Salt Lake City with inspirational talks (on Saturday and Sunday,) and music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It's broadcast throughout the world and translated into sixty different languages. You can watch it over the Internet. I've enjoyed listening and watching it on TV as I've been catching up on my scrapbooking trying to preserve family memories. They are not just photo albums because I like to be creative in how I arrange the photos, add captions, comments or poems. I like to copy some of the completed pages to give to my grandkids to update their own family scrapbook that I made last year for them, if the page has photos of their family. 

Too many scrapbooks nowadays are digital and difficult to look at in that format. There's something comforting about having a physical paper copy of a scrapbook to hold in your lap while sitting next to grandkids or other family members to comment on together. Now that I blog so much, daily, I've been neglecting my scrapbooks. I know that my digital blog even though backed up could disappear with some technical glitch but my paper scrapbooks hopefully will be preserved after I'm not here. I've been making a yearly scrapbook for probably the last 20+ years. Sure wish my grandparents or parents had done that. 

What's your experience with photo albums and scrapbooks?