Saturday, December 18, 2010

Computer Savy

How funny to look back to BC or life Before Computers and how we were introduced to the digital world. I learned from my son Daniel how to use a computer to do a singles newsletter -it was certainly easier. Then as a school librarian we got computerized. I spent one summer inputting all the books in our elementary library into the system-so much easier for circulation, lesson planning, etc. Then all the advances in genealogy and writing family histories through computers and the INTERNET. Yes there was a time once not so long ago when there were NO computers and NO internet. How did you get introduced to computers?


  1. Here's my story,,,which you've already read but to be participatory:

  2. I learned through my office job. I've been thinking about this also because I'm in the process of adding FileMaker Pro to my PC. I loved that program so much that I was crushed when my office changed from Mac to PC. Now the world has advanced enough for me to have it on PC. Progress never stops.

  3. Against my will and not with a positive attitude!! My son and the kids at school took me slowly through the process and more was expected in relation to my school job to be read or done on the computer. Happy now that I am not afraid that the world will stop spinning if I push the wrong button!

  4. We got a computer in 1995 for my daughter...the rest is history...

  5. It was my principal who felt I'd be open to something new. It opened a door to a much better way to do things.
