Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Writing Relieves Stress

Been working through some problems recently and noticed at my Writers WORDshop that everyone else was dealing with some pressures-health issues, too much to do, lack of communication, etc. So instead of writing poetry, we took a few minutes to write MORNING PAGES as taught by Julia Cameron in her book Artist's Way. I gave the assignment for everyone to just write freely and quickly, anything that was on their mind. They didn't need to share it, but just give expression to the feelings boiling up inside. Most of us shared our writings and found it a great way to relieve STRESS and start BREATHING again. Some of it even developed into poems. Try it, you'll be amazed. Here's what I wrote:
Dizzy eyeballs,
life's out of focus.
What to do?
Everything or nothing?
Slow down...breathe.