Saturday, January 1, 2011

Walking in the MUD!

Last Tues hubby and I took a little walk with a local hiking group down by the Virgin River in the mud. See how brown the flood waters are. We started out at 9 am when it was frosty, about 32 degrees but returning it was warming up to 37 degrees. So we had mud to cross. Looking for rock, gravel or sand to walk on helped protect us from the possibility of slipping and sliding in the mud.

Isn't life like that at times, I thought. And sometimes we just have to go through the mud but later we can wash off the dirt that attachs itself too easily to our clothes and shoes. But in real life there is subtle mud that isn't as easily seen or noticed that we can't easily wash off.

Sometimes we need repentance on our part to get rid of mud's effects if we have allowed it into our lives. Videos or movies, books even newscasts and newspapers that portray different morals that we hold can taint our lives. Though entertaining there is a price to pay. Gossipy thoughts that we don't need to express, but do. Forgiveness not given that poisons our own life. All are things to be aware of in starting a NEW YEAR and trying to keep ourself clean and unspotted from the world's mud. Do you agree?