Monday, November 15, 2010

New Poem

From my writers workshop, we clustered the word TIRED.
(Photo of my mom and me in 1960.)

Wanting MORE, never satisfied
with the now, I DEMAND perfection today
in ALL my relationships with others,
NO strife or misunderstandings,
just complacency and peace FOREVER.

Wait-maybe that would be BORING.
No CHALLENGES to overcome,
no arguments to MEND,
just LA LA LAND everywhere.
Where would growth come from?

Who wants to grow? I do, really”
WHY? That’s my purpose in being.
Discovering strengths and weaknesses
that STOP me from being all I can be.
What I was sent here to earth to do.

Bring it on, misunderstandings,
tears, a broken heart. But STAY
by my side, so I can draw
on your STRENGTH and know I’m
LOVED even in my weaknesses.