Saturday, November 6, 2010

3rd Blog Anniversary

So why do I need a BLOG? To make an impression on the world and leave some thoughts and ideas spinning in the universe, to have a place to publish my poems and ramblings. Will give it a try....that's what I said on Nov 6, 2007, three years ago when I posted my first blog. It's been a fun experience. Starting with my mentor friend Susie Q's help who helped me figure out how to do it, post photos, etc. Within a few months time I was feeling confident enough to teach a class or two on CREATIVE BLOGGING. Even did a class for the FAMILY HISTORY EXPO on family history blogging which meant I had to start another blog on that topic-Help with Genealogy.

So what have I gained from blogging?
1. Some really great NEW blogging FRIENDS from around the world.
2. CLOSER RELATIONSHIPS with family, especially my step daughters and daughter-in-laws.
3. A place to SHARE MY PHOTOS so I no longer have to scrap them in three ring notebooks that nobody ever looked at.
4. A CREATIVE OUTLET for my writings and poetry.
5. A VENUE for selling my self published books.
6. THERAPY to vent my frustrations, insights and growth.

Tell me what you've gained from having a blog in a comment or why you haven't made one. Thanks!

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...