Monday, May 3, 2010

Dealing with emotions

I'm in the middle of trying to better understand RELATIONSHIPS especially because I'm finding myself in the middle of some misunderstandings despite my best efforts to send VALUE to others and be AWARE of others' feelings. Somehow my own feelings get LOST or misinterpreted. In the meantime, they come bursting forth disguised as REJECTION when all I seek is love, acceptance and unity.

Guess it's the PERFECTionist in me that wants to be without fault, loving and supportive of all, helping everyone be happy. BUT it can't be done. To do so, sometimes puts you in the position of RESCUER trying to fix everyone and not giving them their own space and time to work out their problems while neglecting your own emotional needs. I'm learning much. Writing and talking to others is helping me sort it out and TIME helps.