Saturday, February 20, 2010

Doors opening...

Write it and it will be published;
build it and they will come.
Don't give up on dreams,
for they may come true.

Some opportunities are opening for me which is so fun. I'm busy working on my Nature Notes for Kids book while also thinking about some other projects for the future. Volume Two of Looking Life's Lessons Learned will be a compilation of my columns for this year which focus on my growing up years-dating, marriage, parenting etc. Another new project is a biographical article on 98 year old modern dance teacher from BYU's early days and an invite to help write a history of the Dance Dept at BYU!

Other ideas float by...a poetry and photography book featuring my nature photos and free verse. Just found out 4 of my 9 submitted poems to the Mesquite Art Gallery were selected by artists to base their art work on. Can hardly wait to see what they come up with next month. I love creativity and I can create with words.