Monday, May 18, 2009


Interesting how two individuals can sit side by side in the same meeting, lecture or concert and while one person is moved to tears, the other is bored or asleep. We are each certainly different from every other person in the universe. What a challenge that makes for real communication. Something I always seem to be longing for, is to be understood and appreciated for my real authentic self and honest feelings. True friends are gems not easily found and too little appreciated. It seems that I've always been blessed to have a close girl friend or two to share ME with when needed at crucial times in my life...especially when I got divorced and then faced life alone as a single parent.

I'd like to mention a special friend of mine that lives far away in Sweden and that I only met through my ex-husband who is from there also. (See photo above l-r Gittan and me taken 16 years ago.) We immediately sensed a connection this friend of mine and for probably 25+ years we have share our lives first through transatlantic letters that were sooo slow, then visiting in person in USA and in Sweden, expensive telephone calls, then came the Internet and emails, the invention of Skype where we can see each other and talk for free. She is my friend Gittan or Birgitta-my sister in spirit. Happy birthday to her last week.

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...