Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dangers on the Web

There was talk given to youth ages 18-30 recently by a leader in our Mormon church Apostle David A. Bednar about the dangers of cyberspace. He recalled that one of the reasons we are here on earth is to gain a physical body and learn to discipline and use it. But through technology...we are minimizing the importance of our body and neglecting eternal relationships for digital distraction, diversions and detours that have no lasting value.

All one has to do these days is read the news or observe the addicting effect of excessive video gaming or online socializing. There is value in technology but we need to balance it with values, goals and interaction with other humans face to face. He be aware of the sense-dulling and spiritually destructive influence of cyberspace technologies that are used to...promote degrading and evil purposes. That can lead to a disconnect from the physical body by becoming so immersed and engrosssed in pixels, texting, ear-buds, twittering, online social networking and potentially addictive uses of media...that you fail to recognize the importance of your physical body and the richness of person-to-person communication.

I think what he is really talking about is using wisdom, control and having balance in our lives in regards to the use of media. I know one friend of mine said recently that her husband has started taking an old sheet on summer campouts to hang on a tree to show videos and films to watch  at night powered from their RV camper rather than just sitting around the campfire and visiting, singing songs or roasting marshmellows. We are loosing our abilities to relate to each other in person as we type away our lives looking at a computer screen. Certainly something to think about. And don't even get me started about mindless computer or video games that too many individuals of all ages spend their precious life's time and energies on while ignoring the people like family that surround them. 

What's your opinion?