Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reporting in...

8 Things I look forward to doing
1. Starting my water aerobics class when it gets to be 90 degrees-soon...
2. Returning to No. Idaho-looking for land
3. Staying in a cabin for a month during our Idaho vacation-maybe
4. Vacationing with Caryn and her husband in Oregon in August for a week by the ocean
5. Getting a perm today and a shorter "swim" hairdo
6. Laying by the pool and getting a tan again
7. Being with family this weekend for Mother's Day

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Got my teeth cleaned, not fun
2. Recycled newspapers again
3. Went grocery shopping-weekly chore
4. Fixed tacos for lunch-yum
5. Went to the skin doctor-not fun
6. Wrote and edited some articles for future summer release
7. Took a nap
8. Blogged and made comments

8 Things I Wish I Could Do.
1. Loose weight-so stop eating too much
2. Not need daily medications for blood pressure, etc.
3. Exercise more-it's too hot unless I do it early
4. Figure out how to backup my photos
5. Finish my husband's life story
6. Talk with hubby more about future plans
7. Talk with my family more face to face
8. Look for more serendipity in my life

If you're interested make your own list then publish it here or in your blog.