Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ever feel like this?

Remember my bouquet of yellow roses? Here's what they look like a week later. It reminds of the importance of filling our inner well and enjoying the different stages of our life which was soon gone and over but for the memories.

I'm reading this interesting self improvement book First Things First by Steven R. Covey who was my LDS bishop or religious leader in college. It's helping me FOCUS on my priorities NOW in my life and not just my TO DO LISTS on my schedule or planner. He recommends that we have a weekly planning session with ourselves where we analyze if our priorities are first in our life and not just left to fit in our days somewhere around the more "urgent" to do matters. Priorities like filling our INNER WELL with meditation, prayer, scriptures and other SELF CARE so we have something to give to others. Setting a time early in our day ensures they don't get left to later when we think we have time but which may not come.

So what are your PRIORITIES-self care, family/spouse relationships, service to others, development of talents, etc? There are many CHOICES vying for our attention. Getting up a little earlier in the morning especially as spring and summer comes with more SUNSHINE is as option. LISTENING for inspiration and then following those quiet promptings can help us down our path to greater fulfillment and usefulness while in this LIFE. Writing or journaling your feelings is so important to FREE yourself of all the stressful thoughts that can dominate your day. Tell us how you cope with everyday life? Blogging?