Monday, July 28, 2008

Outdated Memories

I've spent the entire day copying what I wanted to save from my 31 ZIP files (100MB each) which are no longer supported on my new computers to a backup program online. Planned obsolesces is what I would call it. Why can I no longer open files made in Appleworks with my current word processing program Word?…BECAUSE. So I have to make the decision to try to copy some files like past journals, and poems. Hopefully one day I can get my old computer fixed so I can read these files and print them out or convert them to .txt files. Also newer computers have DVD backups not ZIP Drives.

Lesson to be learned, ALWAYS print out your poems, journal writings, etc if you really want to save them because a computer file or even a CD with a generic .txt file may not open. It’s been an interesting day as I’m re-learning patience and gratitude and also how to let go of the past…on to the future. As they say-you can't take it with you.