Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stormy Weather Today

Think there is a song about that from the old days. I'm amazed more and more how the days of my youth are the old days. And this year is my 50th high school reunion (photo of my high school graduation day.) I went to my 45th reunion in California but it couldn't be held at the school because there is now a fence with barbed wire around the entire school because of gangs and drugs, so we met at a Newport Beach hotel. I would rather have gone and walked around the halls of my old school and remembered those days of being shy, skinny and having the whole world ahead of me. Although I wouldn't want to go back and repeat those days. 

Well, back to stormy weather, it's kind of like "life." Some dark and difficult times come into all our lives that make us appreciate the days when it is sunny and everything is going along smoothly. I wouldn't mind reliving certain parts of my life but only if I knew what I know now, but that's not the plan. So I can only hope to pass on some of my hard won wisdom to those of my family that are interested. "Life is what happens while you are making other plans."