Sunday, May 11, 2008

Questions about your Mom

1. What is your funniest memory of Mom? (her memory loss in her later years when she would call me by someone else's name)
2. What lesson that she taught you stands out? (surviving on her own as a widow and single parent for many years)
3. What is your favorite characteristic or personality trait about your mom?(always willing to help me in any way)
4. What do you see in yourself that came from her, physically or in your personality?(love of family, and we looked a lot alike)
5. List as many things as possible that she has done for you (everything she could possibly do-supported me in getting an education, in taking dance lessons, provided a home and comforts, worked to support me, taught me, and loved me always.)

Then there was my mom's mother, my grandmother who I so loved. I loved GMJ's get up and go, she was ready for an adventure at any time...she taught me to be strong like she was a widow with 5 kids who worked hard all her life and found the church again at the end of her life, I remember GMJ's sense of humor and ability to laugh at herself. An example of strength in a woman, I honor her. She made a home for Mom and I after we left SLC and before we moved to California-providing security, love, comfort, homemade food and babysitting. She was always there for her family and missed them so much when they all moved away.

Thanks for Susi Q for the questions...