Monday, May 5, 2008


I’ve tried text messaging and it is fun but tiring on the hand that is punching in all the letters on the cell phone keypad. That’s why there has developed another lingo of abbreviations to use that makes it easier but only if you know them. I found a website with abbreviations online. Here’s some :

?4U-question for you
AQAP-as quick or quiet as possible
AYT-are you there?
BFF-best friends forever
CU-see you
FYI-for your information
KISS-keep it simple stupid
LOL-laugh out loud
MOS-mother over shoulder
NVM-never mind
POS-parent over shoulder
RUOK-are you okay?
SYL-see you later
SYS-see you soon
WTH-what the heck
WWYC-write when you can
XOXOXO-hugs and kisses
ZZZZ-sleeping or bored

Have you tried texting?