Thursday, November 11, 2010

Contesting and risking

It's deadline time for numerous poetry CONTESTS
so I'm thinking of SUBMITTING once again.
Knowing I won't win, BUT what if I did?
If I DON'T enter, I'll never know. Will I?

So the work begins to REFINE a few lines,
hunt through old verses for something UNIQUE
that fits in a category. Then the LITTLE voices're NOT a poet; and don't I know it?

Well what is a POET? Someone who wants to
EXPRESS themselves in words-that's ME!
So maybe I should say a poet in EMBRYO
or in TRAINING, and practice makes perfect!


  1. Good Luck !I hope you win the contest :)

  2. Just don't quit. Your writing has changed so much over the time you've been in St. George. It's such fun to see how you've developed as a writer! You just may take home a prize!

  3. There is so much pleasure in choosing something worthy of a contest. It seems to me that is the real joy of the whole thing. Good luck, my friend.
