Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Experience

Yesterday I was asked to be one of about 15 judges for a local high school English Quest contest. What an opportunity to mentor new writers which is what I love to do. Also I was able to help a friend with some suggestions for her mother's biography. Another chance to be an influence helping others find their VOICE.

Seems to me that is what LIFE is all about, coming to earth, growing up in a family then taking off on our own to become who we can be, develop our talents and abilities, start families and assist them in the same journey of SELF DISCOVERY. I love this photo my daughter-in-law Nedret took with her son Hakan. She shows the compassion, interest and nurturing that make motherhood so necessary and fulfilling. We all need our parent's tutoring IF we are lucky enough to have them both in our life as well as grandparents, aunts and uncles influence-extended family members even cousins.


  1. very nice lin. i love to judge contests too. gives me an oportunity to meet new talents.and what you said about life is so true. am still learning though.

  2. So true. That is indeed a great picture.

  3. A wonderful photo. It seems as if we never stop growing or changing, and that is one of the great things about long as we want to do so!

  4. This picture is so well captured...really beautiful!Developing talents and abilities...well we have a lot many things to learn from you.

  5. That is a beautiful photo, Lin. I love it that you're out there helping young minds grow as well as my older one.

    Thank you for all your suggestions with the genealogy thing. This project keeps growing and becoming more complex as I go along. I feel like I'm never going to finish it.

  6. Lovely photo..They couldn't have picked a better judge.... Michelle
