1. SCRAPBOOKS-remember where you actually paste photos into a book of some kind and label the photos. Lasting mementos until someone tosses them after your demise!
2. FRAMED PHOTOS hung on the wall or on a shelf or digital frames with changing photos
3. CARDS or Family Letters, charts or posters
4. BOOKS or printed FAMILY HISTORIES-demo (I'm teaching a class this weekend on this!)
1. Email your photo as an attachment or to TWITTER or put in on FACEBOOK
2. BLOGS-current family activities, can allow just family to access or open to the whole Internet. Easy to make, go to www.blogger.com register with your google account or make one, then find a template and plug in your information or take a BLOGGING CLASS. I like to post a birthday collage for family birthdays.
3. SLIDE SHOWS-see my blog for yesterday-SMILEBOX, google slideshows for more sites to make one: i.e. www.animoto.com, etc. Another example: Confluence Park Field Trip made by Carl Berger
4. YOUTUBE videos-have to edit with software before uploading to this site or just copy on a CD
Trip to Iceland 2011 I-Movie with narration, all still photos with a Ken Burns effect also on my blog
5. WEBSITES-a little different than blogs and more labor intensive. Need software or a template. Here's my family history webpage-15 years in the making. Originally made with Adobe Pagemill on a Geocities free website now owned by Yahoo.com and a small yearly charge for hosting.