Monday, April 27, 2009

Nevada then Utah

We went from a very cold 32 degrees and the wind blowing in Twin Falls, Idaho to 73 degrees and our car air conditioner on as we arrived home in So. Utah. I'm always so thankful to arrive HOME safely and find everything okay. We saw some interesting treeless country and mountains in Nevada today then the familiar cedar trees and sagebrush of Utah-my home. I've lived here at total of 51 years now plus 12 years in California, 4 years in Wisconsin and 1 year in Brazil. Tell us where all you've lived and which one seemed like HOME.

For me it is Utah although I was born in Caliente, Nevada it's just over the Utah border-I only lived there a few months. All my grandparents were born in Utah and my ancestors immigrated here from England, Iceland and Ohio. All were converts to the Mormon church except for one grandpa that was a gold miner.