Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Friends, More Family

It's interesting how our ability to LOVE expands and isn't limited to a certain number of friends or family members or descendants. When we move or meet new people, many of them soon become dear friends. The same with new family members-I will love my great grandchildren still to be born as much as my family now but I won't know their hearts as well. Isn't that what makes friends and family so dear? When they feel SAFE enough to open up their hearts/souls and let us inside TRUSTING in our unconditional love for them. 

It's sad to see families where there is division and bitterness over HURT feelings. It cankers the soul of the offended one and limits beautiful relationships and experiences that could be. I've seen this happen between brothers and sisters, parents and their teens and even between friends. What is needed is FORGIVENESS even for exes. 

I know coming from my background as an only child raised by my widowed mother, I was really naive about families and how they interacted. I always wanted a brother or sister. Raised with the fairy tale mentality of my childhood––living happily ever after, that's what I expected my life to be. I thought that everyone in a normal family had no disagreements between them but time showed that to be incorrect. What an eye opener it's been. 

Then came marriage and a family of normal sons who argued and disagreed, followed by the divorce of an unfaithful spouse. I became a single parent. Remarriage and new dreams. With age comes insight and wisdom as to the role of OPPOSITION in strengthening us. It's called learning the hard way. It's called LIFE. What has been your experience with family and friends?