Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I was thinking about how we look at others on a surface level and judge them and their life. Then when we get closer and come to know them better, sometimes they reveal more of themselves and what is really happening in their lives. That makes us readjust our former conclusions about them and develop empathy. Someone can look externally like they really have it together and we in our minds eye compare our life to theirs; but we know our trials and problems intimately and know nothing of the other person's inner thoughts. We don't really know others unless they let us get closer and reveal their true feelings. We only know the image they project. In public, it's easy to look around at a smiling individual and not know that beneath the facade is pain and fears just waiting to be shared.

I guess what I'm talking about is FRIENDSHIP. Getting close enough to know someone so they trust you enough to open up their deepest thoughts to you, to share their pain and troubles. BLOGGING gives us a little opportunity to do that with the added benefit of distance. Most of the people we interact with, we'll never meet so there is a certain level of safety and trust in that. 

I'll close with my Grandma Johnson's thoughts...if everyone were to put their problems in a big pile, we'd all take back our own. I've felt that way sometimes after listening to a friend share their personal challenges-feeling grateful that my problems seem smaller or more manageable after listening to theirs. Writing does the same thing, putting my thoughts and feelings about problems down on paper makes them less stressful. Tell me of your experiences.