Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter is Here!

It's the day the Easter bunny was born? No, the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ-the great teacher and son of God. Interesting how the two holiest occasions concerning His life-Christmas and Easter get lost in the commericalizing of those holidays. What does Santa Claus or some bunny have to do with our elder brother?

Jesus is part of another family, an ETERNAL FAMILY composed of our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and all our brothers and sisters that will be born. That makes us all siblings of the same parents eternally though our earthly parents vary. We are ONE BIG FAMILY. I love that idea that we are all interrelated. That Christ loved us enough to come down to earth to be born of an earthly mother Mary, a Heavenly Father and then He was raised by his stepfather Joseph-a great and loving parent and spouse he was. What a unique and powerful family we have.