Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nativity Activity

Bought a cute figurine set today that I'll use to act out the nativity story with my grand kids. The set made in China of course includes Joseph and Mary, baby Jesus, a shepherd, three wisemen, an angel and three farm animals. Don't you think the Savior deserves at least equal time with Santa Claus on Christmas eve? After all, it is His birthday celebration. So how do you incorporate the reason for the season? I used to do a puppet nativity set or flannel board story with my sons when they were young and now I'm trying to continue something with my grandkids. Each year I've bought them a new book to read on Christmas eve about this special event the whole world celebrates in one way or another.

Even those cultures who don't believe in Christ embrace the commericalism and traditions of the season. It is a day of love and remembering our family and friends with gifts from the heart. I'm still finishing up some of my family history gifts-should be done tonight...Are you ready for Christmas? It's more than just having presents bought and wrapped, have you taken time to contemplate the wonder of the simple story that is so powerful that it has persisted through thousands of years. He was born and lived a wonderful exemplary life for us to follow. Merry Christmas to my readers and blogging friends!