Friday, November 21, 2008

Patience with ourselves...

Ever listen to your self talk for any length of time or write down what you are saying inside? It's too easy to be critical of ourselves-our hair style, weight or behavior. It's a rare person who speaks positively to themselves. "You can do that, just try a little harder, etc." That's practicing patience with ourselves. Some of us may be into saying mantras like "Today I will be happy..." but how powerful is that really? I'm one who believes in optimism but also being realistic. Having been a perfectionist or idealist most of my life, I find myself changing in my more mature years to a practical realist. 

If something is not working for me then I try to analyze how to change it and what the consequences of not changing it would be. Example-trying to take stress out of my life by learning to say NO when asked to do something that I really don't want to do or realizing when I need to make a change of routine and find a new way of operating. Hope you know what I'm saying or rather thinking. A blog is a fun place to try out your thoughts and get reactions from others on life with its complexities.