Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've been tagged!

I got tagged by Jerusha. Haven't done this for awhile, so here goes-random or weird facts about me:

1. I'm really a shy person. Have to push myself to reach out to new people.

2. Had my last baby at age 42, thirteen years after I gave birth to his brother.

3. I wanted to be a telephone operator or a movie star when I grew up, but went to college to study engineering and ended up majoring in dance and getting my master's degree in physical education. Later I went back to college and completed a degree in Elementary Ed and Library Science-ended up being a school librarian.

4. I once taught soccer in college but have never played the sport.

5. I've been tracing my roots-genealogical research for 48 years since I took my first family history class in college at BYU.

6. I love to write because it's creative and self expressive. My body is too old to dance anymore so writing is my emotional outlet.

7. Born in Nevada, I've lived in Utah, Wisconsin, Brazil, and California-love Southern Utah the best.

I tag: Caryn,Michele J, Michele, Sandi, Susi Q, and my stepdaughters Alicia and Katherine. Others are welcome to leave comments and tell us more about yourself.