Friday, February 11, 2022


Off to get the mail at our communal mailboxes

until I see a large dog ahead of me then I wonder 

whether I really want to get my mail or not.


Too late the dog sees me, barks and lunges forward 

as I freak out. There is no escape! The dog is leashed,

but his owner is yanked onto the ground in front of me.


For a split instant , I wonder how to help the owner,

but he rolls over, is soon on his feet. Asking me if 

I’m scared, I say yes as he yanks the dog closer to him.


Scolds him for disobeying, then puts him in a choke hold

so I can “safely” get my mail, but I am trapped at this point.

Too scared to retreat, and not wanting my mail anymore.


Somehow, I manage to get to the mailbox, but my hands

are shaking so badly I can hardly get the key in right. Then

find only two dumb pieces of junk mail. Now, how to escape?


I walk quickly out into the street as the dog and owner

remain planted on the sidewalk blocking my way back home.

Traumatized, I’m shocked by my reaction to this threat.


As a little girl I loved dogs and gathered them on my walks

to my grand parents home in Milford Utah for my visits.

Now, I’m dumbfounded by how to continue my daily life.


Guess that being 81 years of age should have prepared me

for all kinds of problems, but somehow my physical safety

in life has never been in doubt except for past car accidents.


This physical threat drains me emotionally and spiritually

the only words escaping from my mouth are…Oh my God!

for I truly believe in protection from above in all situations.


So now what to do? Well, I walk home quickly looking back

to see where the dog owner goes as they return towards

my neighborhood. But, I never see them again thankfully.


Hmm, how to resolve this? Just let it go or notify my neighbors

of the imminent danger that could face them? Ask for their help

in identifying this new dog and his owner and to avoid them?


I choose to share online what happened––get mixed responses

some sympathetic, others saying you’re safe, nothing happened.

I send emails explaining the dangerous situation to my neighbors.


Then two days later, while returning home from a doctor's office,

I see the same reddish-brown large dog and his owner walking

by the mailboxes. We follow them home, so now I have a name.


What to do with that info? No further animosity is desired, just peace.

Forgiveness seems the answer after the inspiration of discovering

who it is by being in the same location at the same time––an answer?


An apology would be appreciated, but that’s not in my control.

Only going forward with new awareness to life’s dangers as I age.

Praying, asking daily for protection and guidance from angels above.


Maybe also carrying a BIG STICK in the future trips to get mail?