Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New free website

Try out DROPBOX if you're needing a place to store projects or photos to share with others. It's free and convenient. It solved my problem while on vacation as I forgot my attachment to download my  digital photos to my laptop and couldn't get new software online to make it work. Besides I was on vacation, right? Well, my oldest son Frank solved the problem for me when he said You can just use my account at dropbox.com to store your photos then you can access them for your blog. It worked, except it copied ALL of my photos from my camera around 1500 of them and it took a LOONG time to do that. I've got my own account now, and it's becoming useful.

You can also store documents you are working on like my book rough draft, then invite others through an email to share and work on your projects. It's quite the deal, check it out. Any hints or suggestions from those who are using it is appreciated. I'm still learning. (Icons from the website of dropbox.)